Friday, April 11, 2008

Thing 11: Tagging and

Can you see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere?
As a result of participating in 23 Things on a Stick, I have dug in and created a account. As a school librarian, I have already reached out and shown several (very grateful!) colleagues how to use By creating a staff network, I can see the potential of research assistance. On a personal level, I have been revelling in the easy way of creating bookmarks that I can use any time any place (although I always wonder how they can offer it for free and what I will do if the service goes away...) I am a little more leery of using this as a research assistance for students. I work with K-5 students in a conservative community. An (at time methinks unreasonable and unrealistic) expectation at our school is that any website that we recommend that we have explored EVERY link and continue to monitor the website so that it doesn't lead to "bad" things. This is a resource that is available to me at school. :-) :-)!!

How can your library or media center take advantage of tagging and Look at the sites in the Resource list above to see how libraries are using
As an adult patron, I would add libraries that use it to my network.

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