Friday, April 11, 2008

Thing 16: Assignment Calculator/Research Projector Calculator

How might the RPC and the Teacher Guide help you help students plan and manage research projects?
At TIES this year, I heard Jane Prestebak and another creator presenting on the Research Project Calculator. I was impressed particularly by the teacher side with its rubrics, the collaboration documents (exciting for the librarians!), plaigairism proofing recommendations. My favorite is that if you only allow one day for your project, it states "I hope that you're just playing with this thing...." :-) RIghtly so, the Assignment Calculator is at another depth -- broader in scope for university students, possessing more steps. RPC, intended for MN High schools was more generic. Assignment Calculator is geared directly towards U of M students.

Can you think of any uses for library projects—could you use it to help manage a timeline for a project of your own?
Yes! I wish that I would have used it to create deadlines for my participation in this learning adventure!

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