Are you a member of any online communities?
As mentioned before on this blog, through social connections, I joined Good Reads earlier in 2008. Since committing to completing 23 Things on a Stick, I have checked the Ning on and off. Unfortunately, it hasn't really felt like I am part of a community, more like I am sending out messages in a room full of strangers. The community that I have grown to feel a part of is LM-Net, an international list-serv. I have been a member of LM_Net since 2004. Being a librarian can be a lonely job at times since there is only one other librarian (MS/HS) in our district and I see her approximately once/month. Reading the LM_Net messages every day, posting and responding occasionally has offered incredible professional development, encouragement, humor and the comraderie of a group of people of similar people.
Are any of these social networks appealing to you?
I am interested in the Teacher Librarian network and will join, if only for a short time.
What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later?
I can see the potential of creating a Ning for our school or our service cooperative with teaching and learning resources.
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