Friday, April 11, 2008

Thing 13: Online Productivity Tools

Which start page did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you? Will you make it your permanent home page?
Throughout the duration of this project, I have been using igoogle. It has definitely become my permanent home page. I rather confess that I enjoy the feature that allows you to stay logged in. Particularly at school, I quickly found myself relying on the features that are available and chaffing at the ones that are blocked.

Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at the library or at home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others?
I have long been a user of It is annoying to receive emails with broken urls because they are so long.

How can the online calendars be useful to you?
I would like to explore using this for our school wide accessed SMART Board room and SENTEO response system. Currently we use a paper-pencil system. When we have tried having calendars available on the network, we discovered that some staff members would inadvertently open it and forget to close it the entire day.

What about the to-do lists—helpful, too much work…?
I am considering exploring this with my library with multiple staff members. It seems to me that it would be worth the effort when you were jointly working on a task-list. On a personal level, I still have a good memory ;-) and find electronic task lists more work than they are worth (this might change if I had access to a hand held device such as a PDA).

Did you try out Backpack? What did you think?
I didn't try out BackPack. I was put off by the fact that it (nearly?) forced you to purchase a subscription. There was little available for the nonsubscribing members.

Did you try any of the other tools in the list? Any good ones we should all try?
Nope, didn't discover any not recommended on your list.

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