Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thing 22: What did I learn today?

Blog about how you plan to keep up with the Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 tools.
As stated previously in this blog, I have been trying to concentrate on at least one new tool/month. So far, I have added, GoodReads, wikis, flickr. I am a member of MEMO and LM-Net and receive their list-serv emails on a daily basis, which I read and explore. I also read several professional journals (SLJ, Instructor, Classroom Connect, IRA's Reading Teacher) all of which are touting web 2.0 tools. As a naturally curious and always learning kind of person, my fear is not that I will be unaware of available tools, but that I will only dabble in them and move on. My struggle is to find a way to efficiently maximize the use of the tools that will most benefit my library, my school and my students and not just personally explore a plethora of available tools.

Recommend a way to keep up that you have found useful.
This year, I participated in a small professional learning community where we bring what we have learned this month. I have found this to be an excellent forum for "bouncing ideas" off of my colleagues and eliciting their feedback. Like many librarians, time is my biggest limiting factor. I have worked to carve out time and create deadlines for exploring and utilizing technology. This year, I have a SMART Board in my classroom. My excitement for using this tool has led me into pursuing web 2.0 tools not blocked by our stringent filter, constantly seeking that which will be most engaging for students.

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